Néctar aromatizado com alga fava do mar e flor de sal N. 10 Seasalt

Sensations Nº 10 Seasalt

Le prix initial était : 3.60€.Le prix actuel est : 2.90€.

Sensations Nº 66 Beelove (Cópia)

Le prix initial était : 9.20€.Le prix actuel est : 7.90€.
Néctar aromatizado com cacau em pó N. 66 Beelove

Sensations Nº 10 Seasalt (Cópia)

Le prix initial était : 9.20€.Le prix actuel est : 7.90€.

Weight = 40gr

The Nº 10 Seasalt by Beesweet is the boldest Atlantic sweet cream from the full range of Beesweet honeys. With a salty taste, this honey takes us to the idyllic beaches dominated by the salt water and the sweet summer scent. This is an unusual honey in its entire splendor, capable of incorporating the most exquisite dishes and please the most sensitive palates. The incorporation of this honey into gastronomic dishes enhances the natural taste of the food transmitting a unique aroma and flavour in each confection.

As a natural product, it may react to climate changes, flora and fauna. Therefore, each crop of Honey could suffer slight changes in the specification of Honey.


96% honey – eucalyptus flowering nectar with 3% salt flower and 1% biological seaweed (Fucus vesiculous).

Seasalt Sensations

The Nº 10 Seasalt causes full experience of sensations with nature and summer.
The use of this precious honey in gastronomic dishes, before serving, refines seasoning, having the ability to wake up the flavours of the dish, allowing a more pleasant and intense taste.

Gastronomic Sensations

The honey Nº 10 Seasalt can be used to further enhance the flavour of your sihes. When finishing the preparation of the food dish the recommendation is to drizzle with honey Nº 10 Seasalt. Besides tastier, you get a more appealing and harmonious appearance.
It can be used in roasts and grilled meat or fish or prepare sautéed vegetables and to finish exquisite salads.

See the suggestions of Chef Tony Martins:


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Poids 375 g

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