[mpc_sh_dropcaps background=”#b59564″ color=”#ffffff” size=”large”]F[/mpc_sh_dropcaps]lavoured honey Beesweet is a super innovative, organic and high quality product, created with a very personal touch and recorded the image of our packaging.

We distinguish the flavours of honey through the numbers because this is a communication strategy marked by the market trend.

Figures as the No. 88 Fire (spicy) are laden with symbolism. The number 88 is a number with strong positive sense to the Oriental market. And to face the spicy flavour of honey, it makes perfect sense to give it a number as recognizable and important in this target market, because they were not as passionate about “spicy & bittersweet” gastronomy.

More than food

Beesweet … more than Honey! It is much more than a simple food product. We innovated in launching specific and rare Honey blooms – Beeblue by Beesweet (Blueberry Honey), the flavours, the image, the colours, the packaging and the different ways to consume and incorporate honey in cuisine.

This concept was the winning project in the category of Food, Tourism and Heritage National Award by Creative Industries UNICER & Serralves Foundation – 2014.

At the top are the bees. Partnerships between beekeepers and small fruit growers, are excellent for the protection of the species, also creating benefit for these beekeepers and producers.

As the best wines, our honeys mature for a period of time in bee vats.

[mpc_sh_dropcaps background=”#b59564″ color=”#ffffff” size=”large”]B[/mpc_sh_dropcaps]eesweet is not an industrial product. It is not heated to high temperatures, has no added artificial flavours or essences, much less chemicals.

Together with our partner laboratories, honey is analyzed in order to be marketed in all of food safety and hygiene standards.

Our activity consists in the constant innovation in the Honey flavour establishing partnerships with small fruit growers and beekeepers in order to protect the Bee and create a new era of nectar for bees, based on rare blooms such as blueberry bloom.

Based on the experience of three generations of beekeepers in the family, created in honey flavours that can range from the most intense to the freshest.
We believe in the disclosing of different ways to use Beesweet Honey in Gastronomy and in its medicinal power.

The Beesweet company’s business is the marketing of honey. The main activity is based in the purchase, storage, creating flavours in honey, labeling, packaging and sale to domestic and international distributors, as well as some retail directly.

We have our own production but we also create partnerships with beekeepers associations that guarantee the supply of honey in quantity for our customers.

[mpc_vc_counter end=”5000000″ size=”3em”][mpc_vc_deco_header type=”h4″ align=”center” text=”Did you know that to produce 1 kg of honey a bee needs to visit 5 million flowers?”]

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    [mpc_vc_deco_header type=”h2″ text=”Our unique design of packaging – The Drop, is considered one of the most beautiful in the world by Packaging of the World!”]

    La miel es la epopeya del amor,
    la materialidad de lo infinito.


    Federico García Lorca

    [mpc_vc_deco_header type=”h3″ text=”Prémios”]

    Projeto com o apoio do IAPMEI com o passaporte para o empreendedorismo – 2013

    Projeto vencedor do Startup Pirates ISCAC Coimbra – 2013

    Projeto reconhecido pelo programa Aveiro Empreendedor – 2014

    Projeto reconhecido pelo programa Acredita Portugal apoiado pelo BES – 2014

    Projeto vencedor OAZ – Youth Business – 2014

    Top 10 do Indústrias Criativas by Santander – 2014

    Prémio na categoria de Gastronomia, Turismo e Património do “Industrias Criativas UNICER & Fundação Serralves” 2014, com reportagem na SIC Notícias e SIC Internacional, no programa The Next Big Idea.

    A Beesweet é uma Iniciativa de Alto Potencial em Inovação e Empreendedorismo Social. Das cerca de 450 iniciativas analisadas, foram identificadas cerca de 120 iniciativas que reuniram a unanimidade do Conselho Académico e Científico. A empresa Beesweet foi selecionada como ES+, passando a fazer parte da Rede IES.

    Top 5 Chivas The Venture by Chivas Regal

    A Chivas reconheceu a Beesweet como uma empresa rentável ao mesmo tempo que cria um impacto positivo no mundo, gerando benefícios ambientais e sociais.

    [mpc_vc_deco_header type=”h3″ text=”Parcerias”]

    AGIM - Associação para a Gestão, Inovação e Modernização

    Associação para a Gestão, Inovação e Modernização do Centro Urbano de Sever do Vouga.

    Faculdade de Ciências de Nutrição e Alimentação do Porto

    Faculdade de Ciências de Nutrição e Alimentação do Porto, através do professor Duarte Torres, pôde-se caracterizar e estudar o Beeblue By Beesweet – Mel de Mirtilo, os seus benefícios anti-bacterianos e poder antioxidante.

    Departamento de Química da Universidade de Aveiro

    Departamento de Química da Universidade de Aveiro no sentido de estudar o Beeblue By Beesweet – Mel de Mirtilo.

    Município de Estarreja

    Divulgação e promoção da marca.

    Escola Superior de Biotecnologia da Universidade Católica do Porto

    Escola Superior de Biotecnologia da Universidade Católica do Porto de forma a analisar o mel em laboratório para cumprir e respeitar as normas de higiene e segurança alimentar.

    Rebelo Artes Gráficas

    Desenvolvimento de design e criação gráfica

    Município de Oliveira de Azeméis

    Divulgação e promoção da marca.

    Associações de apicultores

    Associações de apicultores, também da região litoral centro de Portugal.


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