A word can say a lot about what we are and what we do.
Numerous times call me (Ana Pais) and Carla entrepreneurs.
From the beginning of our course in the Beesweet… More than honey (gourmet flavored honey) We realize that we feel a lot more enterprising than entrepreneurs.
In addition to undertaking we have the ability to do much, with very little!
Of course we undertake!
We do not expect things to happen, we are proactive, we immediately start the action plan and we are super dynamic. Whoever knows us says we’re everywhere, and we don’t stop. We’re highly motivated. We know how to implement the good ideas that we create in order to achieve goals. We’re not afraid to initiate projects in a bold way.
We fully believe in the company’s potential, we present leadership capability and we work passionately as a team. Besides, we know that a failure is just an opportunity to learn, be and do better.
We don’t let the ourselves be affected by failures. In fact failures are the best opportunity to evolve and do better!
We realize we’re more often doing this.
This reflects on the company’s values:
- Homeland: The earth is our home = preservation & respect.
- Focus on the Strategy: Daily decisions are taken to look forward to our vision.
- Optimization: Nothing is good enough that can not be improved.
- Wow effect: More than honey
- Without Me me me: We look at the problems as challenges and face them upfront. So we evolved faster.
- Mirror effect: Transparency in results
- Out of the Box: We embrace and proceed with changes
- Babies at work: We create fun and accept crazy stuff during labor
- Indiana Jones: We are adventurous, creative and open minded
- Fermentation: We do not deal with the lack of compromise
- Bla bla bla: We love to communicate
- All in gravy and faith in God” (Portuguese Tradicional Saying – It means just do it and have faith in god, basicly): Together we go further – successful partnerships
- Proibidorismo: Negativity (forbidden word)
- Fazedorismo (Make+Entrepreneurship: so much with so little
- Passion… Paixaaaaaaaão ….. não vais fugir de mim … serás paixãaaaaaão …. Até ao fim! (Portuguese famous song about passion and about it not slipping away from our hands and to never give up until the end)!
- Humbleness with conviction
- Duplicadorism
- Never give up: Persistence & Endurance
We transform the small in large and it is primarily for that reason we consider ourselves more enterprising.
Most part of the time the difficulty of undertaking is that it gets stuck with “barriers” based on value judgments that minds impose as certain. Which is not real. The fact that we are fearless and believe that everything is possible leads to not being created priors barriers.
Sometimes a simple phone call is synonymous of success. Sometimes an unexpected meeting is the result of a new business opportunity.
Do not create expectations or judge values is the best ally for possibilities and opportunities to prevail.
It’s not enough to have ideas and willingness to implement them. IT’S MANDATORY TO START THE ACTION PLAN.
Research developed by Roman Fresco – (Wow woman) refers to the motto “Fazedorismo” (Make+Entrepreneurship)”. The suffix – ismo as an ideology, a system, a phenomenon, is a non-existent word in dictionaries.
When placing the word in Google, it questions whether it is not a typo or not!
But maker means the one who does or manufactures something.
We all do a lot. In quantity, in quality… In various aspects and areas of our lives. We come to absorbing ourselves with the “so much” doing, as in an attempt to have a list of endless things that we have already “done.” And if on the one hand it is good to be true makers, those who “put their hands on the dough”, which grasp challenges with a practical sense, and put in action thoughts and ideas, on the other hand, today people ask for criteria, selectivity, organisation, planning…
But… what about if we really do what makes sense in our interior, which fills us up and makes us better and more full people?
We are what we do
We realize that the processes are increasingly rationally, and less emotionally, less intuitive and less spontaneous… And, if you plan and outline a strategy before starting an action is decisive for your success, what really makes the difference in our final product will be… What we put there with our inspiration, intuition, passion, emotion… with our hearts!
And that it is why we also consider ourselves more “makers” and entrepreneurs.
What does Fazedorismo (Make + Entrepreneurship) have to do with Entrepreneurship? A word that became “fashion” because, increasingly, we undertake for ourselves. We admire successful entrepreneurs to whom we recognise capacities of resilience, endurance, a non limital persistence and a willingness to do/put in action what they believe that surpasses any obstacles that put you ahead.
“Fazedorismo” (Make+Entrepreneurship) is not just create”Fantabulastic” ideas.
It’s not just creating a successful company, a “powerful” business… It is so much more, it is to feel the ability to renew something in the world by our own will, with the resources of passion, emotion and intuition.
It’s wanting to make a difference not just in us, but in others and for others. It is to have absolute certainty that success does not only mean generating wealth, but rather impacting positively the lives of those around us. And that is the positive outcome in society as the result of our work.
“Fazedorismo” is an intense desire to be free without following the “politically correct” or the paths that put us ahead.
It’s creating our own path.
And before we put the backpack on our backs, ask our idea/creation “to whom/what will you serve?” To be firm and able to take forward the change that we want to be part of. As one of the entrepreneurship’s greatest mentors:
Peter Drucker… And, all of us, we have an enormous capacity to create!
TIMING/TIME: determining factor. On the roll of a cycle of this hourglass, how many ideas, how much thoughts arise in these restless minds? This inconformity of generating many ideas, has a connection with an action, or are they simply creative “flashes?
To be unconformed, unsatisfied, unstoppable and have critical sense is very positive! It is a sign that we have always put our personal ingredient, where we are, in what we are and what we transform.
IMPOSSIBLE does not exist for “MAKERS”!
In ‘Book of Lists’, a study is referred to ‘The 14 worst fears of humanity’. In the first place is ‘public speaking’, followed by ‘Heights’, ‘Insects’, ‘Financial problems’ until we found in the 7th place ‘death’. Does that make sense? People are more afraid of public speaking than dying, for such a big separation? Would you say that, at a funeral, it is preferable to be in a coffin than to assume the role of the priest? (Only an hiperbolized analogy).
Devote yourself to doing something. Something that you truly enjoy doing. But invest so that you LIVE THE EXPERIENCE. Fail a lot whenever possible. And please, do not deceive, do not take advantage of the hope of other people.
There are no shortcuts. In fact, the shortcut is exactly the hard work. It is urgent to break barriers and conquer fear!
Get to work!