Dia das Crianças Beesweet

A special honey, in a special day for the most special people!

Children’s Day!

Today’s day is even more special!

Children’s Day is recognised in various nations around the world to honor children, whose effective date of celebration varies from country to country. It was proclaimed for the first time during the World Conference for the child’s welfare in Geneva in 1925, and since then International Children’s Day has been celebrated on the 1st of June, adopted in countries such as Angola, Portugal and Mozambique.

It was first marked in 1950 by the United Nations initiative to draw attention to the problems children faced at the time. On this day, Member States have recognized that all children, irrespective of race, color, religion, social origin, country of origin, have the right to affection, love and understanding, adequate feeding, medical care, free education, protection against all forms of exploitation and to grow in a climate of Peace and Fraternity.


Because we believe that honey can also help in the health and well-being of the Child, we are launching today an article about honey in the health of children!


Benefits of consuming Beesweet Honey in children:

If cough is not attributed to any specific disease such as asthma, pneumonia, sinusitis, allergic rhinitis, among others, but is due to infection of the upper airway without specific curative treatment, such as colds, there are some measures that parents can take to minimize discomfort. That old tip of moisturizing the child remains unbeatable: encourage your child to drink water.

According to some studies, there is another measure that parents can adopt in these cases – giving honey to their children. It’s one of those things your grandmother used to say: Honey is good for treating the cough.

It was recently published in the scientific journal Pediatrics, that a study has reinforced the positive effect of honey in the child’s cough. The study looked at 300 children, aged between 1 to 5 years, to see if the honey relieved the nocturnal cough. The conclusion was that the children who ingested honey showed a significant improvement in nocturnal cough and less difficulty sleeping compared to those who received a honey-free syrup.

So, this study came to emphasize the recommendations provided by the World Health Organization and the American Academy of Pediatrics to the use of honey to about 2.5 to 5 ml as a cough treatment in children with over 1 year of age. Other published studies have shown a greater efficacy of honey in cough relief compared to antitussive/expectorant syrups and antihistamines. Despite the growing evidence of the use of honey as a cough smoothing for children, this is not yet a recommendation of the Portuguese society of paediatrics.

Children under 1 year old can not consume honey because their body is not yet protected against the bacterium Clostridium botulinum, which may be present and is responsible for the transmission of botulism.

It is important to realize that honey will act essentially as a mechanism for discomfort relief , providing less discomfort and quieter nights for the child and for the parents.

Now you have one more reason to use honey as an important ally, because it prevents and relieves the cough of your children.

Beesweet … More than Honey!

By Marlene Rodrigues, with the collaboration of Sofia Martins, Pediatrician of the Pediatric Service of the Hospital de Braga

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