Degustação de Mel aromatizado Beesweet no Hotel de Charme

Tasting Beesweet flavoured honey in the Hotel de charme – Moliceiro!

The newspaper Diário de Aveiro emphasized the growth of the company Beesweet.

There were several references that the newspaper Diário de Aveiro did to Beesweet, accompanying our evolution, growth, history and presentation of our products.


The Hotel de Charme Moliceiro, was the chosen place for the release of flavoured Beesweet honeys’ brand.

The honey company, in partnership with Queijos da Tété, the Chá & Bolachas and the Taylor’s, created a tasting proof with all the natural flavours of honey created to date. Who had the opportunity to be present may have taste the honey with the famous Brix Chocolate – Chocolate for Wine, with vanilla ice cream, cheese au gratin as topping to homemade biscuits, among other delicacies, always well accompanied with exclusive selections from Taylor’s.

Hostesses Ana Pais and Carla Pereira had the help, support and experience of the Director of the Hotel – Cristina Durães who embraced the challenge to create this event.

Get your Beesweet Honey here:


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